2017 Dubai Declaration: A Commitment to City Data as the Universal Language
RECOGNIZING that cities across the globe are central to a shared mandate to work towards the sustainable, resilient, smart, inclusive and prosperous cities of the future,
WE THE ASSEMBLED, have gathered in Dubai from March 7th to 9th, 2017, to consider the critical importance of city level data to support this shared mandate.
WE, THE ASSEMBLED CITIES, THOUGHT LEADERS AND PARTNERS of the World Council on City Data, have gathered in Dubai to take part in the 2017 WCCD Global Cities Summit titled “Data as the Universal Language, under the hosting partnership of the Executive Council of Dubai,
REITERATING our support for city data that is a globally standardized to enable city-to-city solutions to travel globally,
AND IN BUILDING a shared global platform on open and standardized city data that is certified under the WCCD ISO 37120 certification protocol,
ARE UNITED in Dubai through a shared commitment to city data as the universal language driving forward THREE CRITICALLY IMPORTANT AGENDAS FOR 2030:
1. INCLUSIVE CITIES – where we recognize that cities are central in ensuring equitable access to city services and quality of life for all of its citizens, encouraging the richness of interaction upon which cities depend, and nurturing a culture of acceptance, building a high quality of life for city residents to ensure the sustainable, resilient, smart, inclusive and prosperous cities of the future
2. SMART NATIONS – where we recognize that it is smart cities that build smart nations and that high calibre city level data is the essential starting point for informed investments in city infrastructure, by national and other senior levels of government, so that cities can continue to be the greatest contributors to a national, smart agenda for economic development underpinned by effective service delivery and quality of life in cities.
3. A SUSTAINABLE PLANET – where we recognize the central place of cities in achieving sustainable development globally, with respect to the critically important resilience, climate and sustainable development goals established by the United Nations, and we hereby underline the critical significance of city level data to support the advancement of cities towards actionable targets in reaching these global goals.
To achieve these three critically important agendas for 2030 – INCLUSIVE CITIES – SMART NATIONS – A SUSTAINABLE PLANET – we the assembled here in Dubai this March 2017, will continue to work, together and independently, as global ambassadors for the importance of standardized city data to drive progress towards these agendas, and continue to espouse standardized, city data as a catalytic agent for local, national and global change.
The Assembled Cities, Thought Leaders and Partners of the World Council on City Data
Dubai, UAE
March 2017