Tuesday, 6 October 2020

City of Corner Brook Receives WCCD Platinum-Level Certification for City Data

 (Please visit the following link to view the original release on the City of Corner Brook's website)

October 6, 2020

Last night at 6:30 p.m., Corner Brook City Council was joined virtually by the President & CEO of the World Council on City Data, Dr. Patricia McCarney and MP for Long Range Mountains Gudie Hutchings, to receive the City’s WCCD ISO 37120 Platinum Certification.

Joining a group of thirty Canadian cities, and almost 100 cities globally, the City of Corner Brook, its employees and its City Council are honoured to receive this important recognition from the WCCD, as part of the Federal Ministry of Infrastructure supported “Data for Canadian Cities Project.”

Receiving the Platinum Certification – which marks Corner Brook as a data-driven municipality – the City joins  the ranks of other data-driven municipalities across Canada and the Globe including London, Boston, and Dubai – alongside Canadian cities such as Kitchener, Toronto, Sudbury, Yellowknife and Edmonton. In addition to Corner Brook, two other Newfoundland and Labrador cities have received this Certification (St. John’s and Mount Pearl.)The data provided will be able to provide calculable benchmarks for Corner Brook to use in developing itself as a diverse hub for the Bay of Islands and Humber Valley region.

In the coming months and years, the City of Corner Brook forward to future collaboration with the WCCD, as the three-year “Data for Canadian Cities Project” supports the city in not only data collection, but in putting that data to use to the benefit of City residents.

Organized across nineteen city service and quality of life themes, the 104 indicators within WCCD’s ISO 37120 standard enable Canadian municipalities to compare their progress with counterparts across the country and worldwide. These themes include the environment, economy, education, governance, finance, transportation, recreation and health, amongst others. Data compiled through this Project supports municipalities in better measuring the impacts of local-level policies, while also informing and directing public and private sector investment in the city.


“Corner Brook is a vibrant regional hub for natural resource manufacturing, education and government – all underscored by City Council’s dedication to harnessing data to drive a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future for the City’s residents. It is through this lens that I am especially pleased to award Corner Brook with WCCD’s ISO 37120 Platinum Certification through the federally-supported “Data for Canadian Cities Project.” Congratulations to Mayor Parsons, City Council and Staff for this significant achievement. On behalf of the WCCD, I look forward to working with you all to assist in your vision of creating a smarter, more sustainable, resilient, prosperous and inclusive future for your residents.”

  • WCCD President and CEO, Dr. Patricia McCarney

“All communities, large and small, need good data to plan and build modern public infrastructure. Meeting global data standards is critical. Through the Data for Canadian Cities Project, in partnership with the World Council on City Data, we’ve been helping municipal leaders in a number of communities across Canada do just that. I am delighted that the City of Corner Brook has obtained the ISO standard for municipal data. This will help the City plan projects with quality data and will help guide evidence-based decision-making. Canada’s infrastructure plan invests in thousands of projects, creates jobs across the country and builds stronger communities.”

  • The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

“At the City of Corner Brook we value innovation. The City today is very different than the City 20-30 years ago—we’re constantly exploring new techniques and technologies to solve age old municipal problems. An important part of facing that challenge is understanding where you currently stand, and where you stand relative to other municipalities in our own country and around the world. This is where the World Council on City Data and the ISO 37120 Platinum Certification comes in. We’re very proud to say Corner Brook is a data-driven City.  I’d like to thank WCCD and our staff for working together to harvest this important data.” 

  • Mayor Jim Parsons, Corner Brook


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