The WCCD President & CEO, Dr. Patricia McCarney (far right), presented (from left) the City of Toronto CFO Heather Taylor, City Manager Paul Johnson and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie with four years of WCCD ISO 37120 Platinum Certifications from the WCCD.
The original release can be accessed here. |
March 30, 2023
Today, the City of Toronto received Platinum-level certification from the World Council on City Data (WCCD) for implementing ISO 37120 (Indicators for Sustainable Cities) for years 2018 to 2021, resulting in Toronto receiving this Platinum certification for eight consecutive years.
The certifications were presented to Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie (Scarborough-Rouge Park), Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Heather Taylor, and City Manager Paul Johnson by WCCD President and CEO Dr. Patricia McCarney during a presentation at City Council.
Toronto is among more than 100 global cities – including 30 Canadian – in the WCCD network that collect, share and use data to make effective and transformative decisions. Platinum Certification is the highest level of recognition by the WCCD and underlines the City’s commitment to high-calibre, globally standardized and independently verified city data.
Beyond its commitment to annual ISO 37120 reporting, the City will shortly begin implementing ISO 37122 (Indicators for Smart Cities) and ISO 37123 (Indicators for Resilient Cities). The City also intends to become an Early Adopter of the newest ISO standard on city indicators, ISO 37125 (Environmental, Social and Governance Indicators for Cities.) Toronto is the first city globally to announce its intent to implement ISO 37125 with the WCCD. Underlining Toronto’s commitment to data-driven decision-making, these year-over-year certifications will also support and validate the City’s Sustainable Debenture Program, a critical funding source for the City’s 10-year capital plan.
A Canadian-led, global innovation, the ISO 37120 Series (i.e. ISO 37122, ISO 37122, ISO 37123), is being implemented in more than forty countries. It contains fully numeric key performance indicators to measure city services and quality of life, underpinned by standardized definitions and methodologies.
The WCCD was founded in 2014 and helps communities of all sizes worldwide embrace standardized, independently verified and globally comparable city data to become more sustainable, resilient, prosperous, inclusive and smart. As a Foundation City of the WCCD, Toronto was among the first twenty cities globally to implement ISO 37120 in 2014 and is the host city for the WCCD’s headquarters.
“The City of Toronto is proud to continue its long-standing partnership with the World Council on City Data. These annual benchmarks allow the City to make data-informed decisions to ensure that Toronto continues to be a global leader and a great place to work, play, learn and invest. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with the WCCD for future certifications.”
– Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie (Scarborough-Rouge Park)
“Platinum-level certification from the World Council on City Data supports the City of Toronto’s sustainable debenture program and demonstrates our commitment to climate action, bond performance and investor relations, while enabling us to make the best data-informed decisions for the residents of Toronto.”
– Heather Taylor, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
“Through its commitment to standardized city data, the City of Toronto stands out as a leader in Canada and globally. With its eight years of WCCD ISO data, Council and City staff are equipped to continue focusing on improving Toronto residents’ quality of life while attracting new and diverse talent and investment. I congratulate the City on this important milestone.”
– Dr. Patricia McCarney, World Council on City Data, President and CEO
Toronto is home to more than three million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit the City’s website or follow us on Twitter
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